Tuesday 13 October 2009

Subversive Cross Stitch


Subversive Cross Stitch was the idea of Julie Jackson. She set up the project in 2003 as a form of anger management therapy. The traditional hobby of cross stitching became modernised due to her using unconventional phrases and sans-serif fonts for her designs. Her website has since become a phenomenon as on it you can purchase the patterns, complete stitching kits and shes even had a book published featuring some of the designs. Her description of cross stitch also shows the potential target audience of my own project:
Cross stitch is one of the easiest forms of stitching because you're working on a grid (the material) and it's kind of like connect-the-dots. It's enjoyable for crafty types, but also for the kind of people who like to do puzzles and solve problems. The pattern and the instructions are very clear, all you have to do is read through them and you're good to go. I think you'll be surprised at how quickly you'll finish a piece -- it's more a matter of hours than years, I promise. A night or two of stitching in front of the TV should do it, or a cross-country flight. Then you're done - instant bragging rights! And remember: cross stitching is fun for a girl or for a boy, young or old, reserved or gregarious. It's an equal opportunity pasttime.


The flickr group is also great to look at because you get to see the patterns recreated by other people as well as adaptations into even better designs. There are even some from yours truly...

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